Sunday, December 18, 2011


wow,just stumbled on to a great band recently

meet the new Runaways pretty much,oh...THEY ARE 13 YEARS OLD!
HOLY CRAP. honestly,check them out,they are rad as hell

Monday, December 12, 2011

Back To Blogging (Hopefully)

this blog isnt dead,i just have forgotten to update in a long freaking time,so yeah..this is just me posting that the blog still exists,ill just post whenever i feel like i feel a musical happening in the world..
expect something huge when i really get back to it all,just sayin..i dont know how long it will take,but ill be back soon enough

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Side Note

Im probably now going to do a new Mainstream vs Indipendent artist thing where i take two artists that are sooo simular in styles and compare them and see whose best.. this is going to be only once and a while because i need to do research..but i already know my next battle but it is going to actually be between 2 not-so famous artists

Die Antwoord vs...Insane Clown Posse

ill do this one whenever i feel like it,im just putting a note for me up here to know i gotta do this

Zef VS Juggalos on the next music battle

Millionaires Vs Kesha AKA who can out-slut the other

why do i like this so much...they have everything going against them..they did the theme song for Teen Cribs,They are Crunkcore-ish, they talk about sex and money vibrantly making them come off as whores....i have a theory..which leads me into a deeper talk with you all....
You have to be attractive to most guys if you are a girl making mainstream pop. see,the difference between these girls and say..lets take the closest example to them, Ke$ha. They are so different looks-wise.
Kesha,is blond,skinny,tan and glittery.

Millionaires look like the scene girls you see at the mall everyday

(note to self,this picture is my new wallpaper on my computer) If i asked most men who would they rather have sex with,they would probably say kesha(personally,i would say Millionaires *wink wink nudge nudge*)...its called playing to the market
see..millionaires plays to the nerdy sorta guys like me and draws us in with them looking like fun,crazy rocker chicks who like to party and drink and have sex..kesha draws more mainstream because she plays it safer than Millionaires
This is Ke$ha's Hit "Tik Tok"
its sexual in a way and she sings about partying..but she plays it to a safe lever

Millionaires on the other hand,play up the raunch and are like the steel panther to Ke$ha's Motley Crue

This is Millionares' song "Alcohol". they take a sexier route with all of this...

Basically,my final thoughts are...these girls are actually better than Ke$ha to be honest...and i really like Ke$ha..

my feelings are,boundaries need to be pushed and these girls do it like its pure art like steel panther(who will be talked about soon)

so signing off for right now and all im saying is

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


well,tommorow i plan on actually posting something music related...a new band(if you can even call 2 girls and garageband that) i discovered by pure accident.
all im saying is,its Ke$ha squared+sex times 10 and all of that equals...Millionares

im just going to say before i post my review on them tommorow, its probably going to be a so bad,its good sorta thing..they seem fun to laugh at and make fun of because basically its 2 scene girls singing about having tons of money and having sex with dudes...
i am going to leave it at that,because there is a bunch of jokes i am going to make tommorow concerning these girls...LOL
as a little preview though,heres there song "Just got paid,Let's get Laid"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2nd blog

well,i have a new blog....but its a treasure hunt to find it because it will be never mentioned on here or on facebook and in order to find out the URL to it,you have to be really close to me(parents dont count in this case..but trust me,its not sex related in any way)

Rant Time =D

Well, It's Time for me to talk about something that really pisses me the hell off,when people make videos and they want suggestions like with Epic Rap Battles of History and Death Battle and make the stupidest suggestions ever. I am going to *try* and keep my cursing to a minimum,but that will be hard because this is an issue that seriously pisses me the hell off...

like with epic rap battles of history. SEE THE F-ING WORD! HISTORY!!!
Don't Suggest something like "Master Chief vs Leonidas"
1.That makes you sound like you are 10 years old with no understanding of history what so ever!
a better suggestion would be
"Stalin vs Bruce Lee"
see,thats entertaining and fits in the freaking guidelines,vader and captain kirk are exceptions though because they are actually relevant with most adults. unlike F-ING MASTER CHIEF FROM HALO
also too,death battles...give us an entertaining match,NOT A MATCH THAT YOU WANNA SEE!
Seriously,kids are going on the computer way too early at this age and seeing videos that they are not meant to see until they are older,having them become stupider and stupider until we are just a bunch of seninent beings who sit at home on the computer all day and masterbate to drawings of horses screwing...thats the day we know the world has ended and we need to colonize the moon. to get away from the dumbasses that exist here on earth so we can blow it up!
*waits for flame war*
i know im bringing personal issues into this which i said i wasnt but i felt like this rant was well need it. basically to sum it all up. before posting a suggestion,to quote christian bale "THINK,FOR ONE F-ING SECOND!"