Sunday, December 18, 2011


wow,just stumbled on to a great band recently

meet the new Runaways pretty much,oh...THEY ARE 13 YEARS OLD!
HOLY CRAP. honestly,check them out,they are rad as hell

Monday, December 12, 2011

Back To Blogging (Hopefully)

this blog isnt dead,i just have forgotten to update in a long freaking time,so yeah..this is just me posting that the blog still exists,ill just post whenever i feel like i feel a musical happening in the world..
expect something huge when i really get back to it all,just sayin..i dont know how long it will take,but ill be back soon enough

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Side Note

Im probably now going to do a new Mainstream vs Indipendent artist thing where i take two artists that are sooo simular in styles and compare them and see whose best.. this is going to be only once and a while because i need to do research..but i already know my next battle but it is going to actually be between 2 not-so famous artists

Die Antwoord vs...Insane Clown Posse

ill do this one whenever i feel like it,im just putting a note for me up here to know i gotta do this

Zef VS Juggalos on the next music battle

Millionaires Vs Kesha AKA who can out-slut the other

why do i like this so much...they have everything going against them..they did the theme song for Teen Cribs,They are Crunkcore-ish, they talk about sex and money vibrantly making them come off as whores....i have a theory..which leads me into a deeper talk with you all....
You have to be attractive to most guys if you are a girl making mainstream pop. see,the difference between these girls and say..lets take the closest example to them, Ke$ha. They are so different looks-wise.
Kesha,is blond,skinny,tan and glittery.

Millionaires look like the scene girls you see at the mall everyday

(note to self,this picture is my new wallpaper on my computer) If i asked most men who would they rather have sex with,they would probably say kesha(personally,i would say Millionaires *wink wink nudge nudge*)...its called playing to the market
see..millionaires plays to the nerdy sorta guys like me and draws us in with them looking like fun,crazy rocker chicks who like to party and drink and have sex..kesha draws more mainstream because she plays it safer than Millionaires
This is Ke$ha's Hit "Tik Tok"
its sexual in a way and she sings about partying..but she plays it to a safe lever

Millionaires on the other hand,play up the raunch and are like the steel panther to Ke$ha's Motley Crue

This is Millionares' song "Alcohol". they take a sexier route with all of this...

Basically,my final thoughts are...these girls are actually better than Ke$ha to be honest...and i really like Ke$ha..

my feelings are,boundaries need to be pushed and these girls do it like its pure art like steel panther(who will be talked about soon)

so signing off for right now and all im saying is

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


well,tommorow i plan on actually posting something music related...a new band(if you can even call 2 girls and garageband that) i discovered by pure accident.
all im saying is,its Ke$ha squared+sex times 10 and all of that equals...Millionares

im just going to say before i post my review on them tommorow, its probably going to be a so bad,its good sorta thing..they seem fun to laugh at and make fun of because basically its 2 scene girls singing about having tons of money and having sex with dudes...
i am going to leave it at that,because there is a bunch of jokes i am going to make tommorow concerning these girls...LOL
as a little preview though,heres there song "Just got paid,Let's get Laid"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2nd blog

well,i have a new blog....but its a treasure hunt to find it because it will be never mentioned on here or on facebook and in order to find out the URL to it,you have to be really close to me(parents dont count in this case..but trust me,its not sex related in any way)

Rant Time =D

Well, It's Time for me to talk about something that really pisses me the hell off,when people make videos and they want suggestions like with Epic Rap Battles of History and Death Battle and make the stupidest suggestions ever. I am going to *try* and keep my cursing to a minimum,but that will be hard because this is an issue that seriously pisses me the hell off...

like with epic rap battles of history. SEE THE F-ING WORD! HISTORY!!!
Don't Suggest something like "Master Chief vs Leonidas"
1.That makes you sound like you are 10 years old with no understanding of history what so ever!
a better suggestion would be
"Stalin vs Bruce Lee"
see,thats entertaining and fits in the freaking guidelines,vader and captain kirk are exceptions though because they are actually relevant with most adults. unlike F-ING MASTER CHIEF FROM HALO
also too,death battles...give us an entertaining match,NOT A MATCH THAT YOU WANNA SEE!
Seriously,kids are going on the computer way too early at this age and seeing videos that they are not meant to see until they are older,having them become stupider and stupider until we are just a bunch of seninent beings who sit at home on the computer all day and masterbate to drawings of horses screwing...thats the day we know the world has ended and we need to colonize the moon. to get away from the dumbasses that exist here on earth so we can blow it up!
*waits for flame war*
i know im bringing personal issues into this which i said i wasnt but i felt like this rant was well need it. basically to sum it all up. before posting a suggestion,to quote christian bale "THINK,FOR ONE F-ING SECOND!"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Room With A Review(spoiler free)

OMFG,i knew this movie was bad...but by it bad....


well,hi guyz and welcome to the room review..
basically my take about it is some psychotic french man decided to make a movie..and it became comedy gold even though it was a drama...

Johnny is an average banker guy whose fiancee Lisa is a total bitch because she feels like she gets nothing from him..
Mark is Johnny's best friend(they say this about 50 f-ing times in this movie so you should know it) along with Denny,Johnny's college aged friend..

i am not posting spoilers because i have one thing to say...
its going to be a cult classic because of how horrid it god,the acting and the writing are the worst things ever and you have a bunch of no-names in this which make this comedy gold...theres awkward sex scenes,lots of padding and a lot of stock shots...ALOT OF STOCK SHOTS!
what i have to say is...see this movie and revel in how bad a movie can be

Monday, October 3, 2011

Artist Retrospective

i bet you 10 bucks you have heard this song atleast once in your life time..joan jett is not a doubt one of my favorite female musicians of all time and one of the best..she was one of those people that said "you think i can't succeed,screw you. i will!" and she did and is considered the godmother of punk. if it was not for joan,we wouldnt have courntey love or bikini kill or any females in rock and roll period. this chick was a trend setter for all people!

she also is the queen of cover songs in my opinion. she takes songs and makes them gold. i respect people who can do that

sorry for such a short thing...thursday or friday,i plan on taking a detour and reviewing a movie i feel like everyone has to see once in there lifetime..not for a good reason,but for the fact that it shows how bad acting can be...THE ROOM!!! *BUH BUH BUH*

Friday, September 30, 2011

Music (Websites)

Hey. No Brony related post today,because i found 2 awesome websites
Heavy Harmonies and Brutal Metal

these two websites are great for information like "i wonder who covered this song?" or "whats that band who does that song i like?"
but these are in different spectrums

heavy harmonies only focuses on 80's metal and alt rock,while brutal metal only focuses on old school metal and power metal.

these websites are great for information and i love them for existing...

sorry for the short post..i am a little tired..
a long,also non pony related post will be up tommorow..all i have to say is,we are going to be talking about one of my favorite female artists and also discussing a little bit why in my opinion its ok for guys to do girls songs as long as they change the gender..

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Music Post/Brony Time

well,im going to actually do a legitimate review today of a song..=D and that song is....

Andrew W.K's We Want Fun!

well,this song is a guilty pleasure for me,infact..Andrew W.K. is a guilty pleasure in general...let me give you a little bio about him first

Andrew Wilkes-Krier was born in Stanford,California but lived Ann Arbor,Michigan. There he was raised by his Dad who was a well known professor(he has a wikipedia page,so he must be well known). Andrew was taught jazz piano in his private school. At the age of 14 he started performing in bands and then he started his own hard rock band in 2000 under his own name. He had a hit single with Party Hard(if you are familiar with 4chan,you know this song already) but sort of fizzled he has his own game show on cartoon network called "destroy build destroy" and lives in new york where he owns a rock club and still performs till this day with his wife..

in my opinion,this song should be re-released as a single..this song kicks major ass. Just, dat riff man. makes me go crazy with glee =D. this guy inspired me to pick up a microphone and start performing and i live by his philosophy of living one day at a time,having fun and rocking hard(he actually is a motivational speaker who talks about believing in yourself.) he is an artist that deserve more credit than he gets and i find him to be one of the best acts out there Here's his site if you want to check him out. all his songs are on there,i recommend "Party Hard" and "The Wolf". Those were his best albums

Now,onto ponies...well as i said last going to be talking about Rule 34+Ponies.
Rule 34,for those people not educated on the rules of the net means "If it exists,theres porn of it." well...ive heard things concerning this stuff(remember,16 yrs old..legalities are an issue) and from what ive heard,its mostly weird and wrong...there is a website(i won't link you to it,NSFW&K) that ive heard going around called clopclop, i am honestly a little discussted by the net with this one..its slightly beastiality to me the naked pic i accidently found yesterday...ewwie(i know this sounds weird coming from a teenage boy,but honestly...i believe sometimes people take sexuality too far) THEY ARE F**KING PONIES,YA PERVS..thats where i draw the line..if they are drawn to look like humans id be ok (no,that doesn't mean they keep there skin types,i mean more natural skin colors.) but lesbian ponies is where i draw my line. ok,now that im done ranting..see you guys tommorow =D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Musical Brony Time#2

so yea,its now here. the moment we have all been waiting for...this is the thing i was going to post last night...PONY SWAG MEGAMIX YAY!

im going to analyze it verse by verse and give my thoughts on everything about this track..btw,thats the song above...
so if you dont like ponies,17 mins of your life will be wasted on this rap song..if you do like ponies however..prepare for awesomeness hitting your ears...another note,only swagberg and maros are real rappers so i give everyone credit for trying

first off,the intro=hilarious =D then....a big suprise happens(not spoiling it for bronies)
nvm,i just realized i cant comment about this verse without spoiling who it is...SWAGBERG AKA the original guy who did the song

first verse(swagbert):what do i have to say but wow...he smoked it in the original track,and he smoked it in his original verse here..this verse also gives me one of my favorite lines in the song "first round got f**ked. face down,plot up"(plot in brony lingo means ass. in context is used as "i watch it for the plot")

second verse i wont comment on because it was in the original song but i freaking love it though

third verse(Lulz):first off,the intro to his verse is hilarious as hell..he does the standard remix airhorn gag and then...i love this verse too..he is a very good rapper and he makes fun of the fact this song took 2 months to make..but its pure gold

4th verse:again,from the original song so i wont comment

5th verse (thebigby50): he has one of the most interesting voices ive ever heard. he sounds like ben stein a little. love the line "spreading love and tolerance every day and night"

6th verse (BronyMike) basically he turns this song into a diss track for anti-MLP fans(Called Parasprites) and basically tells us to ignore them and continue loving ponies

7th verse(prisonfishy): for some weird reason,this is my favorite verse of them all because he says it like he doesnt care,and things get sexually/hilariously creepy by the end "Secret Butt Fun(again,its ok if you dont get this) when i pop into a plothole(yep,i wont say what he made a reference to,because going off what i said can hazard a guess) Imma photo finish on yo' face like you a model( 0_0 AHHH!!) Hoofjob,making that marshmellow vibrato"(Again,hilariously creepy) but i like this verse,its so wtf in a way that its awesome

8th verse(Mic The Microphone):not my favorite verse but the line "Fly like Derpy,Sweet like Bon Bon" just flows really well and makes me happy =D

9th verse(circuitfly)i like this verse,not my favorite but its good

10th verse(pogosama): i heard this one before the song was released so i freaking loved it and it doesnt disappoint's kickass really..the 2nd part,loved the rhythem of it all and also "bronies forever and friendship is magic" just great flow by pogo there

11th verse(cooldog74):honestly,not to be mean to the guy,but his verse is the most forgettable of them..his just bores me and he is terribly off quote pinkie pie "Boring" next verse plz

12th verse (castle and argembarger): well,castle had to do this verse because the other guys mic was bad quality so,writing wise good job argembarger,rapping wise it was good too

13th verse(cyrilrufus aka the only black guy):dang,he did well..i like the way he sounds all crunk like lil jon on the track,made me lol and suprised at the same time

14th verse(grant the gersh): rythemically awesome,it flows sooo well =D

15th verse(Dj small talk): i love his verse cause he's british and his accent is awesome,if his accent were a person id hang out with it

16th verse(thesweetestbelle): my 2nd favorite verse,it just killed the track,like damn..i like rap like this..if he ever reads this blog,i definetly suggest becoming a rapper

17th verse(metajoker): LOTR reference FTW. anyway,i liked this sorta,it's ok,its forgettable as well

18th verse(projectfailsing): random impersonation of arnold shwartzenegger wtf? i like it for its absolute randomness.

19th verse(desktop1030):cool verse,great writing tbh,one of my fav on this.

20th verse(moviemajic):he worked within the flow of the song (applause) and his writing is good

21st verse again,from the original song,so no comments

22nd verse(lulz):the fact he put "eyup" into the song makes me smile,anyway just like his first verse,he kills it here too =D

23rd verse(mic the microphone): for some weird reason,lulz gave him extra time to rap,i though this verse was weird and sort of offtopic conserning the rest of the song

anyway,thats my review of ponyswag megamix by I bring the lulz,swagberg and friends...tommorow,we actually move to rock music for my music review and another brony time where i talk about rule 34 and how messed up things can be at times in our community =D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brony Time #1

well,my original idea for the first Brony Time has been cancelled and is going to be fused with my music post tommorow afternoon,but to tide people going to do something 20% cooler =D

im going to tell you guys who my top 5 favorite characters are on My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic =D

so here we go
5.Gilda the Griffon...for the sake of another character the same voice actress played looking like this. you can understand why Gilda made the list. ;) anyway,just imagining her cursing like her other character makes me lol
4.Twilight Sparkle...for the reason i know her voice actress and she uses her Princess Clara voice from Drawn Together...makes for some very hilarious dubbing.
3.Tie between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy...Pinkie cause she is down right insane in her brain(or as she put it,loco in the coco) Fluttershy for her just being so damn adorable *squee* she'd be the pony id most want as a pet
2.DERPY HOOVES/DITZY DOO! what can i say but me and her are absolutly random together,i wish derpy was human,we'd probably date (yes,i just admitted id date a pony)
1.rainbow sorry but in every humanized pic i see of her,i get squiggly feelings..she is so awesome =D (why did i just go looking for a pic of RD Humanized and one of them was naked? WHY?!?! STOP CLOPPING TO PONIES DARN IT)

BTW,look tomorrow for a combo Music/Brony Time =D love ya'll

New Artist Showcase:Die Antwoord

ok,first review here..instead of a normal review...its going to be introducing you all to a new rap group...lets take a journey to South Africa and meet Ninja,Dj-Hi-Tek and Yolandi Vi$$er( Yes,the dollar signs are in her name)
the song i just posted is my favorite song of theres called "Wat Pomp" which in english means "Whats Up?"

well,my take on these guys is basically this...they invented a whole new genre of rap really...called "Zef" its like techno rap,but instead of saying how many cars you have and how many girls you've had sex with...they rap about how poor they are

this is an interview with them plus a little sample of "Beat Boy"

more of my take is,they are so bad,its  the movie,"The Room" but i read in Rolling Stone that they said these guys are going to be an act.

(Sidenote:The first time i saw Yolandi,i didnt think she was grows on you)

anyway,wait until later in the day for another segment..
all i gotta say is....


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Q&A segment

Q:whats your name?
A:you should know that because you're probably one of my facebook friends..if not,i am Max Gadson

Q:why do you type so weird?
A:ive got a learning challenge called NLD,plus no caps makes typing faster =D

Q:Favorite Song?
A:All Time:Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
Right Now:Tie Between Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days and Pony Swag by Swagberg

Q:What Type Of music do you listen to anyway?
A:anything really,but what you can expect mostly is hard rock,rock and metal reviews..with an occasional rap song

Q:so are you part of any fandoms that could possibly give you hate
A:YEAH. I am a Juggalo(but i do not throw rocks at people lol) and a Brony..yeah,dont hate...btw,that reminds me...dont ever try and troll me,i am a loose cannon when it comes to that

Q:so,what do you have planned for your first review

Q:how old are you anyway?
A:im 16,almost 17

Q:whats your job plans?
A:im going to be a singer in a rock band =D

anyway,ill upload my first review tommorow =D
follow me =D

hey all =D

I've offically started a blog =D

Few Things before we get started,next post will be sort of a Q&A segment where i answer questions about myself that i think you'll want to know,like who i am and such...

First and formost,This is a Music blog. Im going to review songs,in a txt after the Q&A...let the fun begin ;)