Thursday, October 13, 2011

Millionaires Vs Kesha AKA who can out-slut the other

why do i like this so much...they have everything going against them..they did the theme song for Teen Cribs,They are Crunkcore-ish, they talk about sex and money vibrantly making them come off as whores....i have a theory..which leads me into a deeper talk with you all....
You have to be attractive to most guys if you are a girl making mainstream pop. see,the difference between these girls and say..lets take the closest example to them, Ke$ha. They are so different looks-wise.
Kesha,is blond,skinny,tan and glittery.

Millionaires look like the scene girls you see at the mall everyday

(note to self,this picture is my new wallpaper on my computer) If i asked most men who would they rather have sex with,they would probably say kesha(personally,i would say Millionaires *wink wink nudge nudge*)...its called playing to the market
see..millionaires plays to the nerdy sorta guys like me and draws us in with them looking like fun,crazy rocker chicks who like to party and drink and have sex..kesha draws more mainstream because she plays it safer than Millionaires
This is Ke$ha's Hit "Tik Tok"
its sexual in a way and she sings about partying..but she plays it to a safe lever

Millionaires on the other hand,play up the raunch and are like the steel panther to Ke$ha's Motley Crue

This is Millionares' song "Alcohol". they take a sexier route with all of this...

Basically,my final thoughts are...these girls are actually better than Ke$ha to be honest...and i really like Ke$ha..

my feelings are,boundaries need to be pushed and these girls do it like its pure art like steel panther(who will be talked about soon)

so signing off for right now and all im saying is

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